Baby Got Backstory is the ultimate insider’s guide to business storytelling, brand storytelling, messaging, and communications for entrepreneurs, visionary leaders, and progressive businesses of all sizes. We ask inspiring creators, entrepreneurs, and storytellers to share their backstory by answering the questions: “Who am I? How did I get here? And Where am I going? Listeners will not only hear the story behind the story of our guests but understand how their own story and backstory have shaped who they have become. Your host, Marc Gutman, is a story nerd. He’s served as Story Editor for Oliver Stone’s Illusion Entertainment, and written stories and screenplays for Oliver Stone, Warner Bros., and 20th Century Fox. In addition to his time in Hollywood, Marc scratched the entrepreneurial itch by founding a multimillion-dollar tech company in Boulder, Colorado. Today, Marc focuses his ene...

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
BGBS 065: Marlo Vernon | CarePenguin | You Just Have to Go For It
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
BGBS 065 | Marlo Vernon | CarePenguin | You Just Have to Go For It
Marlo Vernon is a recent graduate from CU’s Leeds School of Business and the CEO of CarePenguin, an IoT business created to aid in the care of older adults living independently. After doing time as an international model and squirrel caregiver, she found her true passion in entrepreneurship.
As Marlo’s father is her co-founder and CTO, Marlo has delighted in the fact that now the tables are turned, and she can finally order him around.
In this episode, you’ll learn…
- What it’s like to build a business as a young, female entrepreneur
- It doesn’t matter if you don’t have all the answers yet. Have the confidence to go for it and learn as you grow.
- Have the resolve and confidence to prove your worth, even when others don’t believe in your vision like you do
Website: carepenguin.com
LinkedIn: Marlo Vernon
Twitter: @marlovernon
Instagram: marlo_vernon
Facebook: Marlo Vernon
[32:30] The hardest thing is I have no idea what I’m doing. But I feel like first-time entrepreneurs have no idea what they’re doing. So I’m kind of just taking one obstacle at a time and trying to figure out, “Okay, what are we going to do here?” figure that out, get past it, and then move on to the next one.
[34:23] A lot of young entrepreneurs that I know are kind of caught up in this startup buzz where they love to talk about starting a company but they kind of just go from pitch competition to pitch competition and they do accelerator after accelerator, and at some point, you just have to build your company. You just have to do it.
[34:54] For women entrepreneurs, I would say just be confident and if you don’t know everything, just go for it anyway.
Podcast Transcript
Marlo Vernon 0:02
When I was at CU, the new venture challenge the big pitch competition. The year before I competed, my really good friend competed with a very similar product to mine. And he ended up winning the whole thing. And then I showed up with this product that I had been working on. I had tons of market research, I talked to 100 people in the space. I had people sign up to be beta testers. And I was met with like, a lot of criticism, and like skepticism, and I barely made it past the first round, and then didn’t make it any further in the competition. And I just thought that was interesting that an engineer, that’s a man won the whole competition and then the next year I show up with a product that’s further along. And the only difference I can really spot is that I’m a woman.
Marc Gutman 1:03
podcasting from Boulder, Colorado. This is the Baby Got Back story Podcast, where we dive into the story behind the story of today’s most inspiring storytellers, creators and entrepreneurs. I like big backstories and I cannot lie. I am your host, Marc Gutman, Marc Gutman, and on today’s episode of Baby Got Back story. We’re talking about hot water. IoT. That’s Internet of Things, an aging parents. But before we get to that, I need you. If you like and enjoy the show, please take a minute or two to rate and review us over at Apple podcasts or Spotify, Apple and Spotify use these ratings as part of the algorithm that determines ratings on their charts. If you haven’t reviewed, we have little IoT sensors, monitoring your podcasts and telling us who isn’t reviewing. So get on it. Now let’s get on with the show. Today’s guest is Marlo Vernon international model. First time SAS founder and CEO Marlo Vernon is all those things. But currently, She is the founder and CEO of CarePenguin, the business she created while in college to aid in the care of older adults living independently as Marlowe’s father is her co founder and CTO Marlo has delighted in the fact that now the tables are turned and she can finally order him around. Marlowe’s journey is a little different than those we normally feature on Baby got backstory. But that’s why I wanted her on the show. She’s just getting started already crushing it. And there’s a lot to learn from the next generation of entrepreneurs. And this is her story.
All right, I am here with Marlo Vernon, the founder and CEO of CarePenguin Marlowe. Welcome.
Marlo Vernon 3:15
Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Marc Gutman 3:18
How does that sound when you hear someone in a radio voice say Marlo Vernon founder and CEO of CarePenguin.
Marlo Vernon 3:29
I love it. It’s music to my ears. It’s really weird because my resume is like marketing intern marketing in turn CEO. So big, big difference there.
Marc Gutman 3:41
Well, for those of you that can’t think that it could happen over night, it certainly can. In Marlowe’s case. So that’s, that’s pretty awesome. And so before we get into it, what is CarePenguin.
Marlo Vernon 3:54
So CarePenguin is an IoT device and service that non invasively monitors the well being of older adults living independently by monitoring their activity through water use. So are we have a sensor that connects to the hot water pipe coming out of a water heater. And whenever someone turns on a faucet anywhere in the house, we can detect that activity. And then our app allows adult children or caregivers to look at the last time their loved one was active and check in without being invasive of their privacy and then they can receive alerts if there is a lack of activity. So it’s a lot it’s a lot less invasive than like cameras or motion sensors, that type of thing.
Marc Gutman 4:44
Yeah, and I was looking on your website earlier today. And this whole concept actually blows my mind a bit because my father is getting older. He just moved to Colorado welcome bad. You know he’s in his own apartment and stuff like that, but worry about him. And I know the traditional way is to have a wearable device or something like that, that perhaps you can either track or, or, or your loved one can can signal. But like, how in the world? Did you think of using water as the the measuring device or the metric because like, that just blows my mind that that that is the way that you’re able to keep track of, of the customers that you’re serving?
Marlo Vernon 5:30
Yeah, so actually, I started this business with my dad. So a few years ago, we were kind of like tinkering around with IoT devices. And we came up with this sensor to just see if someone’s home by measuring their water use, and it ended up working really well. And we, at the same time, my grandparents on both sides, were starting to get older, and starting to worry about them more. So we kind of thought, wow, this would actually be a really great way to see if my grandparents are okay. It seems to be like a great proxy for human behavior, because water, like hot water specifically is something that is only activated when someone takes an action. So we kind of came up with that. And then when I went to see you and took an entrepreneurship class, I started exploring this idea more. And the more I researched on, like this market and talking to my parents, my parents friends, this was like a huge problem. And so, and this seems like such a simple but comprehensive solution. So
Marc Gutman 6:48
yeah, and let’s let’s get back to that water thing. Like why water? Like, what is it about water? What spoke to you about water? Did you try other things, in terms of attaching a sensor was it always about this idea of hot water,
Marlo Vernon 7:01
it was kind of always about the idea of hot water, we we also have other ideas of like, refrigerator door lights, like sound sensors. But this seemed so simple. And it’s only one sensor that detects activity throughout the entire house. So you’d spend five minutes attaching it to your water pipe. And then you can see activity in the kitchen and the bathrooms. And it’s a lot easier than putting like motion sensors all over and like motion sensors, if you have like animals that will set it off. And water just seemed like a direct correlation between human activity and, and water.
Marc Gutman 7:49
I’m so fascinated by that. Is anyone else doing that right now? Or is this unique to CarePenguin the way that you’re approaching it.
Marlo Vernon 7:56
So there are some other companies that are doing like flow meters, but they’re, they’re more in the market of catching leaks. And they’re a lot more expensive. But what CarePenguin does actually is measure the temperature of the pipe so we don’t measure flow of water. And that’s part of what makes it so simple. And so, so much cheaper. No, you don’t have to like mess with the plumbing or anything. You literally just attach it to the pipe. And then it takes the temperature of the pipe. And whenever someone uses water, the temperature of that pipe spikes way up indicating that someone’s active.
Marc Gutman 8:36
Yeah. And you’d mentioned something earlier about you’re like, yeah, and my dad, we were just tinkering around, and we came up with this idea. So let’s take a step back in time was young Marlowe, I mean, Was this something that you were always interested in? Were you always interested in the internet of things? Were you always interested in app development as a when you’re when you were younger?
Marlo Vernon 9:01
Um, when I was younger, I wanted to be a fashion designer. And then I quickly realized I didn’t care about fashion. Um, but no, I grew up with my dad. He’s a serial entrepreneur. So I grew up with him talking about business at the dinner table every single night. Were
Marc Gutman 9:26
you into that? Were you into that? Or was that more of like, more of an IRA? Oh, here it goes, daddy.
Marlo Vernon 9:32
No, I thought I thought was kind of interesting. And I like the idea of like running your own business. And my dad is big on culture at his businesses. So a lot of times he would talk about like all the fun things that were happening at work, and then also like the stressful things like raising money, so I kind of got to hear it all. And but it’s kind of funny because one time we went to Disneyland and my dad was like, taking calls on Like the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. So I was very used to him like always working and always talking about his business. And then when I got to high school, I started taking marketing classes. And I was always like really quiet in school. I never participated never have like, raised my hand or anything. But then once I started taking these business classes in high school, I realized I already like knew everything just from listening to my dad talk, as I was growing up, and I became super confident and like, spoke up. And yeah, I felt felt way more confident in those classes and felt like this was this is what I was meant to do. So that’s kind of when I started realizing I wanted to be an entrepreneur.
Marc Gutman 10:48
But that still wasn’t your path. So right, you left, you got high school, and you still had dreams of being in that in that fashion industry to some degree, you want to talk about that a little bit.
Marlo Vernon 11:02
Yeah. So at the same time, I was also modeling. I started modeling in Denver, when I was 15. Just kind of for fun. And then, when I was seven, seen, I signed a contract with a modeling agency in New York. And after I graduated from high school, I went to New York to model and my dad was not into that he, he basically said, You have one year to do this, and then you’re going to college. And so I took it and it ended up being great, like that year was was really great. But then after a year, I was definitely ready to go to college.
Marc Gutman 11:45
And so you came back and and having that experience of living in New York and coming back to college. What did you study in school,
Marlo Vernon 11:55
I studied marketing at the Leeds School of Business at CU,
Marc Gutman 11:58
and how’d you feel about that program?
Marlo Vernon 12:01
It was great. I loved C, you loved the marketing program. They’re all my professors were awesome. The only thing about it, though, was it’s very, like every all the professors were like brand managers like Procter and Gamble, or something. And a lot of our classes were like, how to make the world’s best toothbrush. And I was just like, I don’t think I’m ever going to use this, I’ve always kind of been more into tech, like getting into tech. So my internships have kind of helped helped with that, learn more about marketing in the tech space, but I felt like C provided a really great foundation. And then I also got an entrepreneurship certificate at CU, which was also really great. I took about three entrepreneurship classes. So
Marc Gutman 12:51
what’s that I’m not familiar with the entrepreneurship certificate. How does that work?
Marlo Vernon 12:55
Um, I think it’s just you take three different classes like entrepreneurial environments, entrepreneurial finance, and then new venture creation. And that’s, that’s a I’m not really sure how that’s different from mining and entrepreneurship or majoring in entrepreneurship. But that’s what I did.
Marc Gutman 13:14
Got it. And so you mentioned you came out, you had a few marketing internships, and you were checking out the business landscape, but your entrepreneurial father and you were tinkering with this idea. And so at what point did you take it from tinkering to actually making something with actually making something that was concrete and potentially a product and then a business? Yeah, so
Marlo Vernon 13:40
in fall of 2019, I took this new venture creation class, and we had to kind of explore these business ideas and try to build this business as much as we could within the semester. And so I decided to work on this. It’s something like my dad and I have always thought about but never really had the chance to explore more. So I picked it up and started working on it. And then during that time, I really did a ton of like, customer validation. So me and my team, we probably talked to about 100 people, about their elderly parents, how they care for them, like learned a lot about that kind of thing, older adults and their needs. And that’s when I learned that like this was such a huge problem. And everyone seemed really excited about this idea. And then I pitched at the end of the semester and like won the the class pitch competition. What does
Marc Gutman 14:46
that mean? Like Like when you win the class pitch competition like what what does that mean?
Marlo Vernon 14:51
It only means you get an A and basically, we all worked on this. We all worked on ours. ideas. I think there were like five ideas or seven, I think there were seven teams. And mine was one of them. And at the end of the semester, they brought in, like, I don’t know, like invest, not real investors, but I’m not really sure who they were. But we pitched to them. And then I ended up winning and got an A, but then I moved on. Cu has this big pitch competition in the spring called new the new venture challenge. And I think like, over 100 teams participate in this. And then the winner gets $100,000. And I didn’t, I didn’t make it past the second round. But then I ended up starting the company myself and raising the same amount of money anyways, that I would have won. So it all ended up working out for me. But, but anyways, um, yeah. So then after the new venture challenge, and everything and losing, I kind of was like mad, and I was like, I’m going to show them. So I. So I went full on when I graduated, and really started the company. And that’s kind of when my dad joined. And at first he was like, oh, I’ll just help you, like write the app for it. And then we it just grew and grew. And he got more invested. And it got more real. And we started improving on the hardware improving on the software. So it really became like a real thing last May when I graduated.
Marc Gutman 16:40
And was at that time, did it have the name CarePenguin?
Marlo Vernon 16:43
Yeah, yeah, I named it CarePenguin back back in November of 2019. And it was kind of funny, because I was trying to figure out a name for this project for my entrepreneurship class. And at the time, I didn’t think I would turn it into like a real company. And so I was kind of like googling names. And like doing those, like company name generators and stuff online. And there’s like this one website that gives you like, a name logo. And I was like, browsing one of those, and I saw CarePenguin. And I was like, Oh, I really like that. But it costs like 30 $300 like for the domain and for the logo. And I was like, well, this isn’t like a real thing. So I just named it CarePenguin made my own logo. And then in May when we decided to, like, actually make this a real business, I had to like finally buy like the Caribbean Quinn calm for like 30 $300.
Marc Gutman 17:50
That’s a good way to do it. proof of concept before you invest in the domain.
Marlo Vernon 17:54
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Marc Gutman 17:55
So you decided to start the business? And so I mean, what’s it like working with your father, I don’t talk to a lot of entrepreneurs that have that experience. I mean, talk a little bit about that.
Marlo Vernon 18:07
Um, it’s actually really great. I love working with my dad, he is the best mentor we live together. And, but it’s kind of funny because he’s like 57 years old. And he can learn how to write an iPhone app super easily and just whip out an iPhone app. But trying to get him to understand how to use like Google calendar is like such a struggle. So that’s been pretty funny. Also, slack. I’m very proud that I got him on slack. Because when he was the CEO of Victor Ops, like he refused to slack he only used email. So that’s been a big win for us.
Marc Gutman 18:53
Yeah, well, you know, I do you know how to slack but I have to agree with him. Email is the killer app. Like why did we ever just move all our email into slack? Which is really just kind of like, weird email?
Marlo Vernon 19:04
Yeah, no, I love slack. It’s great.
Marc Gutman 19:09
We use slack here too. So So I guess I gotta love it as well. A common question I get all the time is Mark, can you help me with our brand? Yes, we help companies solve branding problems. And the first step would be to schedule a no obligation brand clarity call, we’ll link to that in the show notes, or head over to wildstory.com and send us an email, we’ll get you booked right away. So whether you’re just getting started with a new business, or whether you’ve done some work and need a refresh, or whether you’re a brand that’s high performing and wants to stay there, we can help. After you book your brand clarity call. You’ll learn about our brand audit and strategy process. we’ll identify if you need a new logo or just a refresh, will determine if your business has a branding problem. And you’ll see examples of our work and get relevant case studies. We’ll also see if branding is holding your business back, and can help you get to the next level. So what are you waiting for? Build the brand you’ve always dreamed of. Again, we’ll link to that in the show notes, or head over to wildstory.com and send us an email. Now back to the show.
So you started the business, you have a name, like what are those early days of the business look like? I mean, did you have any customers?
Marlo Vernon 20:44
No, we had people that were willing to be beta testers. So we had, we had like, testers throughout the whole thing. So first, we had this dinky little prototype that we probably put in like five people’s homes, just to make sure that the data was accurate. And a big misconception that we kept getting in the early days was that older adults don’t use water. Like, we were getting this all the time, like, Oh, this wouldn’t work for my parent, because they don’t use water. And we were like, I don’t think that’s true. So we started putting these sensors in my parents, friend’s parents houses. And everyone was surprised because they use way more water than they thought they use water like seven to 10 times a day. So it was actually really great. So that was something we had to overcome was, and we still get that question to this day of like, Oh, well, I’m not sure my parent uses water. So that’s something we have to like, create, like marketing material on. But yeah, we had people that were willing to test. And then in the early days, it was kind of just about getting the sensor to a place that we could actually sell it. So we hired like a circuit board designer, industrial designer. And then we worked on the app and tried to get the app to a place that people could use it. And we literally just finished that. So yeah, very cool.
Marc Gutman 22:23
And so what was the process? you’d mentioned that you went out new, raised, raised money? Had you ever done that before? What did that look like for you?
Marlo Vernon 22:32
No, I’ve never done that. before. It was good. My, my dad has been guiding me through this entire thing. So he has like this, um, this presentation that he gives that TechStars called the how to start your startup. And so he was like, just look at that presentation and build your deck. So I use the template he had, I built a deck. And then we kind of refined it together. And then I’m super lucky to have his whole network. So he we kind of emailed like probably 25 of his friends, investor, friends, people just in the boulder startup scene and told them what we’re working on. And if they wanted to invest in an angel round, like we would take a meeting with them. And then eight of them replied and said they’d like to hear me pitch and then all a ended up investing after hearing our pitch. So it ended up going really well. It was kind of funny, though, because I was sitting on like, these calls with my dad, and I’m pitching and he’s kind of just sitting there watching me. And after we get off the call, he just like, makes fun of me and is like laughing at all these like stupid things I said. And, um, because I get to the end of the pitch and then instead of being like, Alright, like, are you in like, we’d love to have you invest? I’d kind of just be like, all right, so thank you and my dad’s like, are you singing? Or are you trying to close a deal? And so I’ve, I’ve often felt like Bambi trying to like walk for the first time through these like investor calls and stuff. And I’m just amazed at how like, easily my dad can just like, talk to people. It sounds kind of silly, but
Marc Gutman 24:36
Well, clearly you’re doing something right because you had a all eight offered to invest. So so you’re obviously pitching quite well. First time CEO, young in your business career. Yep. A woman in tech. Like, yeah, yeah. What’s hard about that? You know, it doesn’t you know, it seems like it may be fraught with pitfalls and challenges, like, what do you find hard about, about being a first time CEO and a woman in tech?
Marlo Vernon 25:09
Yeah, I feel like, kind of before my dad got involved, like, when I tell people about my idea, they’d be like, oh, like, that’s cute. But like, what jobs are you applying for are like, Oh, this is just a school project, right? And I was like, No, like, I’m truly working on this, like, as a company, and like, people just kind of, don’t believe you or don’t think you can do it. But then kind of once my dad got involved, people started taking me more seriously. And then also, when I was at See you, the new venture challenge the big pitch competition, I thought it was interesting, because the year before I competed, my really good friend competed with a very similar product to mine. And he ended up winning the whole thing, he won the 100 grand, and he is man and an engineer. And then I show up at the competition the next year. Everyone knows who he is. They give him tons of praise. And then I showed up with this product that I had been working on. I had tons of market research, I had talked to 100 people in the space, I had people sign up to be beta testers. And I was met with like, a lot of criticism, and like skepticism, and I barely made it past the first round. And Ben didn’t make it any further in the competition. And I just thought that was interesting that an engineer, like that’s a man, like won the whole competition. And then the next year, I show up with a product that’s further along. And the only difference I can really spot is that I’m a woman majoring in marketing. So that was kind of I don’t know, that’s kind of interesting.
Marc Gutman 27:06
Yeah. How’s that make you feel?
Marlo Vernon 27:08
It kind of sucks, especially since I had like the, like, all the research to prove that this was gonna be a great idea. And I had the prototype in my hands. So that kind of sucked. But also, these pitch competitions are kind of funny, because the judges they’re bringing in, it’s like, Jake from State Farm. It’s like who you’re pitching to, it seems they don’t really understand SAS businesses anyway, I don’t think like in one round, like, a girl making cookies beat me. And I was just like, Are you kidding me? But I think I think it’s just because like they, they understand cookies, but they don’t understand like a SaaS business. So I don’t know what it is. But
Marc Gutman 27:58
so like, what, what are your friends doing for work right now? I mean, are they all CEOs of tech companies, startup tech companies? Or what’s going on? Like, what are they like? What do you think about your role?
Marlo Vernon 28:09
My friends are awesome. They’re killing it. One of my friends works at Goldman Sachs, one of my friends works at KPMG. She just passed her CPA exams. And then a couple more of my friends just nailed some jobs I and then a lot of my girlfriends are like super smart, super ambitious, working in like finance and accounting, which I have no passion for. But then I also have a group of friends who are like my startup friends. So we’ve been in like, and startup summer programs together. And we go out to drinks once a month. And we all talk about our startups. So that’s really fun. We just had drinks actually last Friday, but they’re all they’re all guys. I’m the only girl in all of my entrepreneurship classes in all my entrepreneurship, like summer programs, is very interesting. I’m not sure why there’s not more girls.
Marc Gutman 29:16
Yeah. You don’t have any thoughts as to why there’s not more women in those programs.
Marlo Vernon 29:22
I don’t. Yeah, I don’t know. I think I think men are cockier and they’re like very confident. And like their idea and their eye and their ability and I think women are a little like not as much like that. I don’t know but I just I just wish they were
Marc Gutman 29:44
well, maybe maybe after CarePenguin that’s your next your next ambition is you can work on getting more women into these these types of programs. And so so yeah, where is chair penguin today, as far as you guys have customer is are you actively selling the product?
Marlo Vernon 30:03
Yes, we are actively selling we just released the product to paying customers a week and a half ago. So, yes, that has it’s been fun to watch the customers roll in. I think we have about 10 right now. And then we have about 15 active beta testers. So it’s going great. I’m nervous because I’m the whole tech support team right now. So I’m the head of marketing, head of tech support raiser of money. So I got a lot going on right now.
Marc Gutman 30:38
But I was just about to ask you that. What does a typical day in the life of CEO Marlo Vernon look like? But you kind of just shared it? Is there anything else that you’re working on? Or what a typical day looks like for you?
Marlo Vernon 30:51
Yeah, it’s pretty much answer emails from customers or beta testers check in. And then probably like, post a blog post on social media, have a meeting with my co founders about like, what’s going on. And then at the end of the day, when the customers roll in, I take a bunch of CarePenguin boxes to the post office and mail them. So that’s a typical day for me.
Marc Gutman 31:21
And what’s the future look like? for CarePenguin? Where do you hope to be in what’s that look like for you.
Marlo Vernon 31:27
Um, so our goal is to be like the platform for elderly home care. And right now, we just have this sensor for water use, but we want to expand into a whole suite of sensors. So like, I don’t know, a sensor for your refrigerator door, or a sound sensor, or there’s already kind of a lot of things like that out there, like refrigerators now connect to Wi Fi, like we have a crock pot that connects to Wi Fi. I’m not sure if anyone needs that. But we really want to do this sensor fusion thing where we take all of these bits of data from different devices in the house, to get a better picture of someone’s health and activity living alone. And kind of be like the platform for that. So that is our goal.
Marc Gutman 32:22
And what’s the hardest thing for you right now as the CEO is you’re trying to build this company and steer the ship.
Marlo Vernon 32:30
Yeah, the hardest thing is, I have no idea what I’m doing. Um, but I feel like most entrepreneurs, like first time entrepreneurs have no idea what they’re doing. So I’m kind of just taking one obstacle at a time and trying to figure out, Okay, what are we going to do here, figure that out, get past it, and then move on to the next one. Right now, we’re wondering how we’re going to market our product to everyone, and we’d love to get on Shark Tank, that would be our that would be our goal. But I also don’t think I can handle the tech support for 100,000 orders if we got on Shark Tank. So we’re trying to, we’re trying to figure all of that out and raise money and decide what the what the next step is there. So yeah, we’re trying to we’re trying to figure all of that out right now.
Marc Gutman 33:28
All right, is you think about where you’ve come so far, in your journey? Do you have any advice that you would give to other up and coming entrepreneurs, especially maybe female entrepreneurs who are trying to find their way?
Marlo Vernon 33:44
Yeah, I would say, definitely, like, do a lot of research on your industry. Like, I feel like I’m kind of an expert of like, elderly care now, which I never thought I’d be. And like, all the companies in this space, and as well as like IoT companies, and because I think a big problem with being so young is people people doubt you, but if they ask you questions, and you, you seem to be an expert on it, then that that’s really good for you. Um, another piece of advice I’d give is, I feel like a lot of young entrepreneurs like that I know are kind of caught up in like this startup buzz where they love to talk about starting a company but like building a company like not so much as they kind of just like go from pitch competition to pitch competition, and they do accelerator after accelerator, and it’s kind of like at some point, you just have to like, build your company. You just have to do it. And then for women entrepreneurs, I would say just just be confident and like if you don’t know it, Everything, just just go for it anyways, because I heard this like fact that when men are applying for jobs, if they don’t meet, like every requirement, they still apply. And when women are applying for jobs, if they look at it and they don’t meet every requirement, then they don’t apply. So I think you should just like have confidence in yourself know that you can do it and just just go for it.
Marc Gutman 35:28
Fantastic. Where can people find out more and learn more about CarePenguin?
Marlo Vernon 35:33
they can go to CarePenguin.com and learn more. They’re on our websites. And it’s available to purchase now. So if you think you’d benefit from it, you can buy a monthly or an annual subscription.
Marc Gutman 35:49
Perfect. Marlo, thank you so much for coming on the show enjoyed our conversation.
Marlo Vernon 35:55
Yes. Thank you so much for having me. It was awesome.
Marc Gutman 36:03
And that is Marlo Vernon. Wow, I am so impressed with Marlowe’s drive, and leadership, but also her view on what it takes to be successful. She knows that building businesses is hard that sometimes it’s not fun. But that’s what building a business is all about. I have no doubt that Marlowe and Kara penguin are going to achieve great things. We’ll make sure to keep you updated with their progress. Side note, Marlowe’s father, the one she talks about throughout the episode. Not that there are other fathers, you know what I mean? was one of the co founders what I like to call my first real job, a company outside of Boulder called rain dance. Marlowe mentions culture and how important it is to him and all I can say is that company attracted and introduced me to some of the most incredible people in my life. If you’re a rain dance alum, you know what I mean? There was just something special in that culture there. Since then, her father Todd has gone on to start and exit from multiple companies. And there’s no question where Marlo gets her entrepreneurial influence from the big thank you to Marlo Vernon and the team at Kara penguin. you’re well on your way. And dad if you’re listening my dad, we need to get you a CarePenguin sensor. We will link to all things Marlo and CarePenguin in the show notes. If you know of a guest who should appear on our show, please drop me a line the podcast at wildstory.com our best guests like Marlowe come from referrals from past guests and our listeners. Well that’s the show. Until next time, make sure to visit our website www.wildstory.com where you can subscribe to the show in iTunes, Stitcher or via RSS see you’ll never miss an episode. A lot of big stories and I cannot lie. you other storytellers can’t deny.
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